Parallel V: D9 Deconfinement: Transport + Jets II
- Peter Arnold (University of Virginia)
Dmitry Kotov
12/09/2014, 14:20
Section D: Deconfinement
The flexibility of RHIC to collide different nuclei provides experiments with a rich set of data to systematically test models and scaling behaviors in various collision systems. In 2012 RHIC collided Cu+Au nuclei. These collisions promise an array of unique initial geometrical configurations. Such geometries present an opportunity to measure the wide range of initial energy densities of this...
Michael Benzke
12/09/2014, 14:40
Section D: Deconfinement
The effect of jet broadening and the related jet quenching parameter \hat{q} are important in the description of energy loss of a jet moving through a medium. This effect has been calculated perturbatively up to NLO. In this talk I will show that in order to compute the NNLO result one needs to consider contributions from transverse momenta of order πT , gT and g^2T and that in the region gT a...
Matthias Berwein
(TU Munich)
12/09/2014, 15:00
Section D: Deconfinement
I will discuss how Wilson line operators can be exponentiated, and how this exponentiation helps in studying their renormalization properties. Explicit examples will include rectangular Wilson loops, the cyclic Wilson loop and the Polyakov loop correlator. Relations to the Polyakov loop correlator's spectral decomposition will also be discussed.
Based on arXiv:1312.6651 [hep-th]
Alexandr Bylinkin
(ITEP Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics (RU))
12/09/2014, 15:20
Section D: Deconfinement
The dependence of the spectral shape of produced charged hadrons on the size of a colliding system is discussed using a two-component model. As a result, the system-size hierarchy in spectral shape is observed. Next, a hydrodynamic extension of a two-component model for hadroproduction using recent theoretical calculations is suggested to describe the spectra of charged particles produced in...
Sumit Basu
(Department of Atomic Energy (IN))
12/09/2014, 15:40
Section D: Deconfinement
Heavy-ion collisions at relativistic energies, which are accessible at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) and the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), are often
referred to as little bangs. Experiments at these energies probe the conditions which prevail at freeze-out, and often it is not possible to define the correct equation-of-state (EoS) and the conditions at the initial stages of the...