Parallel IV: D10 Deconfinement: Correlations + Light Hadrons
- Yiota Foka (GSI - Helmholtzzentrum fur Schwerionenforschung GmbH (DE))
Tatiana Drozhzhova
(Saint-PetersburgState University)
12/09/2014, 14:00
Section D: Deconfinement
We present the critical review of estimates of centrality in AA and pA collisions that are usually done by selection of classes of events with certain charged particles multiplicity. Results of MC simulations in different models are presented. They include the Standard Glauber, the Modified Glauber model [1] and HIJING[2] event generator (with gluon shadowing) MC calculations. We...
Evgeny Andronov
(St. Petersburg State University (RU))
12/09/2014, 14:20
Section D: Deconfinement
The long-range rapidity correlations between the multiplicities (n-n) and the transverse momentum and the multiplicity (pT-n) of charge particles are analyzed in the framework of the simple string inspired model with two types of sources. The sources of the first type correspond to the initial strings formed in a hadronic collision. The sources of the second type imitate the appearance of the...
Mikhail Malaev
(B.P. Konstantinov Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute - PNPI ()
12/09/2014, 14:40
Section D: Deconfinement
Hadronic resonances are among the most interesting probes of the hot and dense matter created in Pb--Pb collisions. Due to their short lifetime, they are sensitive to the anticipated chiral symmetry restoration as well as to suppression and regeneration due to hadronic interactions in the final state. At intermediate and high transverse momenta ($p_{\mathrm T}$) resonances which cover the...
Vladimir Vechernin
(St. Petersburg State University (RU))
12/09/2014, 15:00
Section D: Deconfinement
The approach relies on a microscopic treatment of cumulative phenomena based on perturbative QCD calculations of the corresponding quark diagrams near the thresholds [1]. This enables to find the asymptotic behavior of the structure functions of nuclear fluctons – the dense drops of nuclear matter in nuclei composed of a few nucleons. As a result, in the framework of the approach the nuclear...
Grigory Feofilov
(Saint-Petersburg State University)
12/09/2014, 15:30
Section D: Deconfinement
Some sudden change in two-dimensional two-particle angular correlations (i.e. the onset of a so-called near-side «ridge» structure, localized in azimuth and extended in pseudorapidity) was observed by STAR collaboration at RHIC in AuAu collisions at 62 and 200 GeV [1]. It was shown for the first time that this change occurs at a specific Au-Au centrality, common to both energies. These...