Parallel VI: G4 Strongly Coupled Theories
- Domenec Espriu Climent (University of Barcelona (ES))
Thomas Ryttov
(CP3 - Origins)
11/09/2014, 16:30
Section G: Strongly Coupled Theories
In the past decade many advances have been made in the attempt to uncover the phase diagram of nonsupersymmetric strongly coupled gauge theories. Progress has come from both analytic computations and analysis as well as lattice simulations. In this talk I will present the most recent calculations and estimates of the phase boundary of the conformal window performed using higher order...
Matti Järvinen
(University of Crete)
11/09/2014, 17:00
Section G: Strongly Coupled Theories
I will start by a generic review of holography and its application to QCD, including the top-down and bottom-up approaches. I will go on discussing some of the latest developments in the construction of holographic models for QCD, concentrating on the bottom-up ones. I will cover improved holographic QCD, which is a string-theory inspired model for the Yang-Mills theory. Finally I will discuss...
Esben Mølgaard
(University of Southern Denmark)
11/09/2014, 17:30
Section G: Strongly Coupled Theories
Fixed points in gauge theories with fermions have been studied for a long time, and their presence or absence has been mapped out quite thoroughly in the so-called conformal window. However, by adding scalar particles to the theory, many more things can happen as the Yukawa and quartic interactions greatly influence the running of the couplings. We will discuss the structure of fixed points in...