Parallel II: B3 Light Quarks
- Jose Luis Goity (Hampton University/Jefferson Lab)
Elmar P. Biernat
(Centro de Fisica Teorica de Particulas (CFTP), Instituto Superior Tecnico, Universidade de Lisboa)
12/09/2014, 16:20
Section B: Light Quarks
We propose a model for the quark-antiquark interaction in the framework of the Covariant Spectator Theory (CST). Our interaction kernel in momentum space is the sum of a delta-function potential and a covariant generalization of the linear confining interaction. With a pure vector Lorentz structure for the delta-function and a mixed scalar-pseudoscalar structure for the confining part, the...
Roman Zubov
(Saint Petersburg State University)
12/09/2014, 16:40
Section B: Light Quarks
We consider a transition to the light front Hamiltonian from theories quantized on spacelike planes approaching to the light front. In this approach we preserve the dynamics of zero mode present in the theories near the light front. We make the limit transition differently for zero and nonzero modes. This leads to the appearance of some phenomenological parameter which can be used to describe...
Nodoka Yamanaka
(iTHES Research Group, RIKEN)
12/09/2014, 17:00
Section B: Light Quarks
We evaluate the quark scalar, axial and tensor charges of the nucleon in the Schwinger-Dyson formalism.
For the scalar charge, it is found that it is enhanced by the gluon dressing effect, and that it is a sensitive observable to the quark confinement.
For the axial and tensor charges, it is found that the gluon dressing effect suppresses them.
This result can be understood as the...
Tomas Kadavy
(Charles University (CZ))
12/09/2014, 17:20
Section B: Light Quarks
The independent operator basis of the most important resonances in the odd-intrinsic parity sector of QCD allows us to construct Lagrangians for corresponding Feynman diagrams of several types of interaction channels of the mesons and resonances.
In this talk, we will discuss all three-point current correlators non-trivial for this sector. We briefly summarize their basic properties and...