Parallel V: E3 QCD and New Physics
- Huey-Wen Lin (U. Washington)
Massimo Passera
(INFN Padova)
11/09/2014, 14:00
Section E: QCD and New Physics
I will summarize the status of the theoretical prediction for the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon, focusing on its latest developments.
Joshua Magee
(College of William and Mary)
11/09/2014, 14:26
Section E: QCD and New Physics
The Q-weak experiment completed data taking at Jefferson Laboratory in 2012, with the aim of making the first experimental determination of the proton's weak charge, $Q_W^p$, which is the neutral-weak analogue of the proton's electric charge. The experiment measured the small parity-violating asymmetry in elastic electron-proton scattering at forward angles and low momentum-transfer...
Jordy de Vries
(Jülich Forschungszentrum)
11/09/2014, 15:18
Section E: QCD and New Physics
Electric dipole moments (EDMs) break parity and time-reversal (T) symmetry and, by the CPT-theorem, CP-symmetry. If measured they are unambigious signs of new physics, since CP-violation in the quark mixing matrix predict EDMs orders of magnitude away from current experimental limits. The SM also contains the QCD vacuum angle (the theta term) whose value is unknown but strongly limited by...