Parallel III: C5 Heavy Quarks: Hadronic Quarkonium Production
- Pavel Pakhlov (ITEP)
Huasheng Shao
(Peking University (CN))
11/09/2014, 14:25
Section C: Heavy Quarks
The necessecity of the color-octet mechanism in describing heavy quarkonium production is a longstanding puzzle. Compared to the yields of heavy quarkonium, its polarizations should be more sensitive to the color-octet contributions. In this talk, I will focus on the chi_c polarization in hadroproduction processes, which may provide a unique test for the color-octet mechanism in nonrelativistic QCD.
Maxim Nefedov
(Samara State University)
11/09/2014, 14:50
Section C: Heavy Quarks
The hadroproduction of D^0, D^*, D^+ and D_s mesons is calculated in the LO of Parton Reggeization Approach, using the KMR[1] set of unintegrated PDFs of the proton to take into account the factorisable effects of initial-state radiation, and the set of fragmentation functions [2].
The obtained accuracy of the description of the recent Tevatron (sqrt(S)=1960 GeV) and LHC (sqrt(S)=1960 GeV)...