Parallel V: E2 QCD and New Physics: Parallel IV: E2 QCD and New Physics
- Jorge Portoles (Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular)
Javier Fuentes
(Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular)
09/09/2014, 14:00
Section E: QCD and New Physics
Instanton solutions of non-abelian Yang-Mills theories generate an effective action that may induce lepton and baryon number violation, namely $\Delta B = \Delta L = N_f$, being $N_f$ the number of families coupled to the gauge group. It is well known that within the Standard Model the size of the violation is negligible, however this might not be longer true in non-universal gauge extended...
Liping Gan
(University of North Carolina Wilmington, USA)
09/09/2014, 14:20
Section E: QCD and New Physics
Decays of the $\eta$ meson provide a unique, flavor-conserving laboratory to probe the isospin violating sector of low energy QCD and search for new physics beyond the Standard Model. The JEF Experiment has been developed in Hall D at Jlab to measure $\eta$ decays emphasizing on rare neutral modes with two orders of magnitude background reduction compared to the previous experiments. The...
Semyon Pozdnyakov
(Saint Petersburg State University)
09/09/2014, 14:40
Section E: QCD and New Physics
![$A_{+}^{B_{1}} A_{+}^{B_{1}}A_{-}^{b_{1}}A_{-}^{b_{2}}V_{\nu}^{d}$ effective vertex (left); process of interaction of two quark pairs (right)][1]
We study the processes of nucleus-nucleus interaction. The bulk of the amplitude can be represented in terms of pomerons propagating from the multi-nucleon projectile to the multi-nucleon target. The pomeron couples to the separate...
Andrea Shindler
(DESY Zeuthen)
09/09/2014, 15:00
Section E: QCD and New Physics
With the gradient flow, we propose to calculate the QCD component of key beyond the Standard Model (BSM) matrix elements related to quark and strong theta-CP violations and the strange scalar content within the nucleon. The former set of matrix elements impacts our understanding of Electric Dipole Moments (EDMs) of nucleons and nuclei (a key signature of BSM physics), while the latter...
Sergey Larin
(Institute for Nuclear Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences)
09/09/2014, 15:20
Section E: QCD and New Physics
It is shown that the QCD Lagrangian can be modified by the adding gluon masses.
On mass-shell renormalizability of the resulting theory is discussed.
A new look on signals of collective effects in AA and pA at LHC based on Modified Glauber Model.
Andrey Seryakov
(St. Petersburg State University (RU))
09/09/2014, 15:40
Section E: QCD and New Physics
G.Feofilov, A.Seryakov
We present current status of Modified Glauber Model (MGM) [1], which standard version is widely used for determination of centrality classes, for comparison AA and pA collision with pp data and for search collective effects. In MGM we take into account energy losses which are needed for particle production in each nucleon-nucleon collision. This proposal allowed us to...