Parallel III: C2 Heavy Quarks: e^+e^-
- Joan Soto (Universitat de Barcelona)
Chengping Shen
(Beihang University, Beijing)
09/09/2014, 14:00
Section C: Heavy Quarks
Using a 980 fb-1 data sample collected with the Belle detector on or near Y(nS), n=1, 2, ..., 5, the production cross sections of e+e- →K+K-J/Ψ, KsKs J/Ψ, ɣ χcJ, π+π-Ψ(2S) are measured. The properties of the Y(4360) and Y(4660) in π+π-Ψ(2S) mode are updated, and no significant signal is observed in ɣ χcJ, mode, except those from the Ψ(2S) decays. The possible charged charmoniumlike structures...
Umberto Tamponi
(Universita e INFN, Torino (IT))
09/09/2014, 14:25
Section C: Heavy Quarks
The description of single meson transitions among quarkonium states represent both a challenging topic for current non-relativistic QCD models and a powerful tool for the study of the dynamic in heavy quarks systems. In particular, theoretical debates arose around the role of mesonic molecules and coupled channel effects in the description of the single meson transitions from Y(4S) and...
Vicent Mateu
(University of Vienna)
09/09/2014, 14:50
Section C: Heavy Quarks
We present results for the production of primary heavy quarks in final state jets, as well as secondary radiation of heavy quark pairs related to gluon splitting. We focus in the thrust and C-parameter distributions for e+e- collisions. The results are given in the dijet limit where the hard interaction scale and the scales related to collinear and soft radiation are widely separated. In this...
Ricciardi Giulia
(Dipartimento di Fisica Univ. di Napoli Federico II)
09/09/2014, 15:20
Section C: Heavy Quarks
We review recent progress on semileptonic B decays