Plenary 2
- Jose Emilio Ribeiro
John Bulava
(Trinity College Dublin)
08/09/2014, 12:00
Plenary talks
Excited hadron properties are of great experimental and theoretical interest. Recent algorithmic advances in Lattice QCD have enabled many low-lying hadron resonances to be studied with unprecedented accuracy, while several interesting systems remain a challenge. After discussing algorithmic advances which enable the calculation of finite volume QCD spectra, I will discuss how physical...
Matthew Shepherd
(Indiana University)
08/09/2014, 12:30
Plenary talks
The study of bound states of a heavy quark and anti-quark continues to be an interesting way to probe QCD and the hadron spectrum. Even more interesting are those states that have masses similar to heavy quarkonium but cannot by interpreted as a bound state of a heavy quark and heavy anti-quark. For example, there have been recent discoveries of new states in the charmonium spectrum that...