Parallel IV: D2 Deconfinement: QCD Phase Diagram I
- Chris Allton (Swansea University)
Reinhard Stock
(Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe Univ. (DE))
08/09/2014, 16:30
Section D: Deconfinement
The QCD phase transformation line in the plane of temperature T and baryochemical potential mu(B) represents the major property of the QCD phase diagram at finite temperature and mu(B). Recent lattice QCD calculations(1,2) have made predictions for this line, not only at mu(B) near zero but also extending to finite mu(B), up to about 500MeV. At the experimental side, the hadronic...
Shinji Ejiri
(Niigata University)
08/09/2014, 17:00
Section D: Deconfinement
We study the phase structure of QCD at high temperature and density by lattice QCD simulations focusing on the probability distribution function (histogram).
First, we investigate the quark mass and chemical potential dependence of the probability distribution functions as functions of appropriate physical quantities when all quark masses are sufficiently large.
Through the shape of the...
Jon-Ivar Skullerud
(National University of Ireland Maynooth)
08/09/2014, 17:30
Section D: Deconfinement
The FASTSUM collaboration has been carrying out simulations of $N_f=2+1$ QCD at high temperature in the fixed-scale approach using anisotropic lattices. I will present the status of these studies, including recent results for charmonium physics and the deconfinement transition.
Kenji Fukushima
(The University of Tokyo)
08/09/2014, 18:00
Section D: Deconfinement
We discuss the effect of curved spacetime on QCD phase transitions. We point out a common feature that fermions are always gapped with a curvature in a way consistent with chiral symmetry, which we call the chiral gap effect. We can have intuitive understanding of the behavior of the chiral condensate as a function of positive and negative curvatures. We also address the decoupling of the...