MrWarren Carlson(University of the Witwatersrand)
List of outstanding issues:
Need to check that the units throughout the code are indeed in GeV
Compare the different definitions of the extradimensional Gravitational Constant and Planck Scale used in the code with the ones in the literature (BlackMax Manual and published paper)
Add units and legend to all plots
In slide 9 of the talk, why is the range of the Hawking Temperature so little? Possible problem with units. The Schwarzschild radius units seem wrong too
Also in slide 9, why is the range different for each value of n?
To make direct comparisons with BlackMax, need to reproduce figures 1 and 2 of the BlackMax paper
BlacMax 3 Update 18th December20m
MrWarren Carlson
List of checks/outstanding issues:
Check the gamma function against a standard one used in Mathematica/Maple (or against code found online)
Dimensions of the M^* formula, at the moment that looks dimensionless
Saw tooth behaviour in slide 3, plot each separate part of the function to understand where it comes from. Might be an issue with the gamma function
Remake the plots reproducing BlackMax2 results with the correct labels (done)
BlackMax3: Validate all the Math libraries
BlackMax3: Check throughout the code that the convention for the number of dimensions is consistent: can use "d" for total number of spacelike dimensions and "n" for the number of extra dimensions
Need to reproduce figure 1 from the BlackMax PRD paper as a stepping stone towards reproducing figures 2-6