21–27 Sept 2014
Europe/Madrid timezone

3rd (and last) Announcement

                        Hot Quarks 2014 Workshop - HQ 2014

Dear Colleagues,

This is the last announcement for the next workshop in the Hot Quarks series,
which will be held September 21-28, 2014, in Las Negras - Cabo de Gata
Natural Park, Spain.

Please note that the deadline for registration and abstract submission has been
extended to June 15th
. Both registration and abstract submission are open via
the corresponding links on our web site at http://hq2014.bnl.gov. Speakers will be
selected among the submitted abstracts shortly after the closing date and notified
via Email.

The inclusive conference fee will be of 400 EUR. It covers for lodging in double
occupancy rooms and full board for the whole week, as well as the excursion to the
Alhambra of Granada and the conference dinner. Such low fee is possible thanks to
the support obtained from our sponsors, which corresponds to a significant fraction
of the workshop total cost (including registration fees and proceedings).
Upon request, a limited number of rooms in single occupancy will also be available
at an extended fee.

The number of participants will be restricted to <80 so that every participant
can give an oral presentation. The aim of this workshop is to enhance the
direct exchange of scientific information among the younger members of the
Relativistic Heavy Ion community, both from the experiments and theory.

Therefore we especially want to encourage postdoctoral fellows, advanced
graduate students, and junior faculty and research staff to apply.

Topics include:
  • QCD at high temperature/density and lattice QCD
  • Initial state effects and Color Glass Condensate
  • Relativistic hydrodynamics and collective phenomena
  • Correlations and fluctuations
  • Jets in the vacuum and in the medium
  • Baryons and strangeness
  • Heavy flavor, dileptons and photons
  • Applications of String Theory and AdS/CFT
  • Experimental techniques and future programs
The format of the workshop is morning and afternoon/evening sessions
consisting of short (~15-20 min) presentations. Each session is followed
by a relatively long (~1hr) Question&Answer (Q&A) session.
The KKG Award is presented to the best presentation at the conference.
The prize is dedicated to the memory of Klaus Kinder Geiger, who
perished on the Swiss Air flight 111 from New York to Geneva in 1998.
Active participation by all is encouraged in the Q&A sessions.
All participants are expected to be present at the workshop premises
throughout the duration of the conference.
Ample free time between lunch and the afternoon session and after
dinner is planned in order to enhance such informal interactions.

Further details about the program and the workshop venue will be
posted on this web page.

A lively, informative discussion is anticipated at the meeting, leading to
progress in advancing the state of the knowledge of relativistic heavy-
ion collisions.

Please distribute this email within your collaborations and local groups.

The Hot Quarks Organizers (Javier Albacete, Jana Bielcikova, Rainer Fries,
Raphael Granier de Cassagnac, Boris Hippolyte, Jiangyong Jia,
Andre Mischke, Agnes Mocsy, Hannah Petersen, Lijuan Ruan, Sevil Salur).