Session 2: Initial state II
- Javier L Albacete (Universidad de Granada)
Emilien Chapon
(Ecole Polytechnique (FR))
22/09/2014, 17:00
Initial state effects and Color Glass Condensate
The electroweak W bosons do not participate in the strong interaction, and thus constitute clean probes of the initial state of nuclear collisions. They provide a unique constraint on the nuclear parton distributions, in particular on the antiquarks from the sea. A first analysis of PbPb data has confirmed the medium-blind characteristic of the electroweak bosons. With the new pPb data,...
Carlota Andrés
(Universidade de Santiago de Compostela)
22/09/2014, 17:20
Initial state effects and Color Glass Condensate
We present a phenomenological study of the single- and double-inclusive suppression data of high-pT particles in central Pb-Pb collisions at LHC. The analysis is based on quenching weights for medium-induced gluon radiation computed in the multiple soft scattering approximation and embedded in a hydrodynamic description of the bulk medium.
Dennis Vadimovich Perepelitsa
(Brookhaven National Laboratory (US))
22/09/2014, 17:40
Jets in the vacuum and in the medium
Measurements of high pT processes in ultrarelativistic proton-nucleus collisions are sensitive to changes in the partonic densities arising from the presence of the high-density nuclear environment. Additionally, such measurements serve as a benchmark of the so called "cold nuclear matter" effects, providing the context within which to understand the strong suppression of high pT processes...
Anna Zsigmond
(Wigner RCP, Budapest (HU))
22/09/2014, 18:25
Initial state effects and Color Glass Condensate
The Z boson is a new probe of ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collisions, which became accessible at the LHC energies. Unambiguously detected when decaying in the dilepton channel, it can help to constrain nuclear parton distribution functions, it can serve as a standard candle for initial state effects, and it represents an in-situ probe for binary scaling in the final state of the collisions....
Maria Zurita
(Universidade de Santiago de Compostela)
22/09/2014, 18:45
Initial state effects and Color Glass Condensate
One of the goals of the proton-lead run at the LHC is to produce a benchmark for heavy-ion collisions. Preliminary analyzes hint that nPDFs fail to give a proper description for certain observables. Here we present a full study of the compatibility between current sets of initial state nuclear distributions and data from the LHC p-Pb run. By means of the Hessian reweighting technique we give a...
maximilian attems
22/09/2014, 19:05
Initial state effects and Color Glass Condensate
The “standard model” of relativistic heavy-ion collisions describes the
early stage of an hadronic collission by the Color Glass Condensate.
The studies of anisotropically expanding plasmas show that non-Abelian
plasmas isotropize fast enough thanks to the Chromo-Weibel instability.
Recent work involves the novel incorporation of quantized fermions in
the semi-classical Yang-Mills evolution.