Session 6: Flow and correlations II
- Jana Bielcikova (Acad. of Sciences of the Czech Rep. (CZ))
Ewa Maksymiuk
(Jan Kochanowski University)
24/09/2014, 17:00
Relativistic hydrodynamic and collective phenomena
We solve the one-dimensional boost-invariant kinetic equation for a relativistic massive
system with the collision term treated in the relaxation time approximation. The result
is an exact integral equation which can be solved numerically by the method of iteration
to arbitrary precision. We compare predictions for the shear and bulk viscosities of a
massive system with those...
Armando Puglisi
24/09/2014, 17:20
Relativistic hydrodynamic and collective phenomena
The study of transport coefficients of strongly interacting matter has
generated a great interest in the research for Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP) in
Heavy Ion Collisions at relativistic energy.
In this work we compute shear viscosity and electric conductivity of QGP
exploring a quasiparticle model settled to correctly account for the
thermodynamics of Lattice QCD.
We compare Relaxation Time...
Radoslaw Ryblewski
(Kent State University / Institute of Nuclear Physics PAS)
24/09/2014, 17:40
Relativistic hydrodynamic and collective phenomena
Experimental and theoretical studies of relativistic heavy-ion collisions showed
that the behavior of matter produced in such collisions is very well described within viscous hydrodynamic models. However, due to rapid longitudinal expansion in the early stages of evolution of matter the studied system undergoes substantial pressure anisotropies, which often may lead to unphysical results. In...
Katarzyna Poniatowska
(Warsaw University of Technology)
24/09/2014, 18:30
Correlations and fluctuations
Femtoscopy analysis allows us to extract information about the
properties of source emitting particles of different types. From
"classical analysis" of two correlated pions one can calculated source
sizes, however, from the non-identical particle correlations, e.g.
pion-kaon femtoscopy, one can obtain information not only about source
size but about asymmetry in emission processes of...
Barbara Guerzoni
(Universita e INFN (IT))
24/09/2014, 18:50
QCD at high temperature/density and LQCD
ALICE is a general-purpose heavy-ion experiment able to identify particles over a wide momentum range thanks to its excellent vertexing and tracking performance, its low material budget and its possibility to combine different Particle IDentification (PID) techniques.
In this talk the transverse momentum ($p_{\rm{T}}$) spectra of identified light flavour particles in pp and Pb-Pb collisions...
Study of azimuthal correlations between D mesons and charged particles with the ALICE experiment
Fabio Filippo Colamaria
(Universita e INFN (IT))
24/09/2014, 19:10
Correlations and fluctuations
The main goal of the ALICE experiment is to investigate the properties of the strongly interacting matter formed in heavy-ion collisions, where a Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP) is produced. Heavy quarks (charm and beauty) are excellent probes to study this state of matter. Due to their large masses these quarks are produced in hard partonic scattering processes in the initial stages of the collision...