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2nd Middleware Readiness Working Group meeting

513/R-068 (CERN)



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Dial-in numbers: +41227676000 (English-US, Main)
Access codes: 0117854 (Leader)
0121760 (Participant)
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Middleware Readiness Working Group twiki HERE.

  1. Minutes of last meeting here
  2. Actions from last meeting (pasted here from the above minutes):
    1. 20131212-01: Cristina to obtain an official INFN statement on the continuation of the EMI repository beyond April 2014 and for how long. This should be communicated to this WG and the WLCG MB. Done. INFN statement sent be email , will appear in the minutes.
    2. 20131212-02: Maarten & Maria, with input from all, to examine the work-flow used by some products and, if they can serve as examples, document their reasons of success. Point to their existing documentation and summarise in a table. Done. See Table.
    3. 20131212-03: Jeremy to send the processes used by UK sites so we can learn from them for the next meeting. In progress. Discuss Jeremy's email of today.
  3. Discuss the selected Products' Table.
  4. Define the process to make the Experiments' workflows' Table long-term usable.
    1. Input from ATLAS
    2. Input from CMS
    3. Input from ALICE
    4. LHCb will be absent this time but their info is on the Table.
  5. Prepare position for the Operations Coordination F2F meeting.
  6. Future meetings. Discuss frequency. Day of the week. Time. Next meeting date.
  7. AOB
    1. On the GGUS ticket submission form, the fields "Command used", "Error message you obtain", "OS/Middleware Application version" are hardly ever used and not searchable today. Please vote: remove them or make them searchable? They can be useful for our WG practices.


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