tau cLFV decays

25 Aug 2014, 15:30
Western Infirmary Lecture Theatre (University of Glasgow)

Western Infirmary Lecture Theatre

University of Glasgow

University Avenue Glasgow, G12 8QQ, Scotland, UK


Cornelis Onderwater (University of Groningen (NL))


This talk covers the recent results and prospects of tau cLFV decays from LHCb, super-B (Belle-II), as well as BaBar and Belle experiments.
WG1: Neutrino Oscillation Physics (Yes/No) No
WG2: Neutrino Scattering Physics (Yes/No) No
WG3: Accelerator Physics (Yes/No) No
WG4: Muon Physics (Yes/No) Yes
Type of presentation Oral presentation


Cornelis Onderwater (University of Groningen (NL))

Presentation materials