Status of the Double Chooz experiment

29 Aug 2014, 14:40
Western Infirmary Lecture Theatre (University of Glasgow)

Western Infirmary Lecture Theatre

University of Glasgow

University Avenue Glasgow, G12 8QQ, Scotland, UK


Dr Matthieu Vivier (CEA-Saclay)


The Double Chooz reactor antineutrino experiment aims for a precision measurement of the neutrino mixing angle $\theta_{13}$, by measuring an energy-dependent deficit in the detected antineutrino spectrum. Double Chooz is located at the Chooz nuclear power plant in France, and currently operates with a single far detector filled with gadolinium-loaded liquid scintillator at a baseline of 1.05\,km. A second near identical detector is currently finished being assembled, and will start its commissioning phase. In this talk, I will give an overview of the current status of the experiment. The physics motivations and the working principle of the detectors will be briefly reviewed. The different measurements of $\theta_{13}$ conducted so far by the collaboration, each sensitive to different systematics and giving consistent results, will be presented, with a special emphasis on the latest $\theta_{13}$ oscillation results. Finally, a brief status of the near detector on-site integration will be presented.
WG1: Neutrino Oscillation Physics (Yes/No) Yes
WG2: Neutrino Scattering Physics (Yes/No) No
WG3: Accelerator Physics (Yes/No) No
WG4: Muon Physics (Yes/No) No
Type of presentation Oral presentation


Dr Matthieu Vivier (CEA-Saclay)

Presentation materials