5–8 Aug 2014
Osaka Univiersity
Asia/Tokyo timezone

The fluidity of hot interacting hadrons flowing out of chemical equilibrium

Not scheduled
Osaka Univiersity

Osaka Univiersity

Osaka, Japan


Dr Anton Wiranata (CCNU)


The ratio $\eta/s$ of the shear viscosity, $\eta$, and the entropy density, s, of hot interacting hadrons is calculated using the Chapman-Enskog and virial expansion methods. Interactions are parametrized using the K-matrix which preserves the unitarity of the S-matrix. In the four component mixture $\pi-K-\eta-N$, 57 resonances up to 2 GeV are included. Increasing number of resonances is shown to reduce $\eta$ and increase s resulting in a progressive decrease of $\eta/s$ for temperatures close to the QCD phase transition temperature. The addition of finite chemical potential reduce the value of $\eta/s$ even more in the comparison with zero chemical potential. Prospects of hot hadrons becoming a “perfect” fluid are discussed.



Prof. Madappa Prakash (Ohio University) Volker Koch (LBNL) Xin-Nian Wang (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (US))

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