TH Meeting on Particle Physics Phenomenology

Electroweak model without a Higgs particle

by John Moffat (Perimeter Institute)

TH Theory Conference Room (CERN)

TH Theory Conference Room


An electroweak model is formulated in a finite, four-dimensional quantum field theory without a Higgs particle. The W and Z masses are induced from the electroweak symmetry breaking of one-loop vacuum polarization graphs. The theory contains only the observed particle spectrum of the Standard Model. In terms of the observed twelve lepton and quark masses, a loop calculation of the non-local electroweak energy scale $\Lambda_W$ and $\rho$ predicts the values $\Lambda_W(M_Z)=541.189$ GeV and $\rho(M_Z)=0.99298$, yielding $s^2_Z\equiv\sin^2\theta_W(M_Z)=0.21686\pm 0.00097$. Possible ways to detect a non-local signal in scattering amplitudes involving loop graphs at the LHC are discussed. Fermion masses are generated from a "mass gap'' equation obtained from the lowest order, finite fermion self-energy with a broken symmetry vacuum state. The cross section for $W_L^+ W_L^-\rightarrow W_L^+ W_L^-$ is predicted to vanish for $\sqrt{s} 1 TeV$, avoiding a violation of the unitarity bound. The Brookhaven National Laboratory measurement of the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon and the residual difference between the measured value and the Standard Model can provide a test of a non-local deviation from the Standard Model.
Organized by

Robert Fleischer