Opening day
Submission deadline
*** Abstract submissions are now closed. ***
For urgent matters, contact chep2015-pc-chair@icepp.s.u-tokyo.ac.jpConference Topics:
This conference covers topics represented by 'keywords' in the following abstract submission form. The keywords are categorized in two areas: Applications and Technologies.
Abstract submitters should check as many keywords as they think they fit. The keywords selection is not mandatory for the abstract submissions, but warmly suggested as it helps the PC to organize the tracks.
* In case of questions/doubts about which keywords to select, please contact the PC chair.
e-mail: chep2015-pc-chair@icepp.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp
* If you have some difficulties on the submission form, please contact the CHEP2015 LOC.
e-mail: chep2015sec@ml.post.kek.jp