Jakob Blomer
Fermilab has several physics experiments including NOvA, MicroBooNE, and
the Dark Energy Survey that have computing grid-based applications that
need to read from a shared set of data files. We call this type of data
Auxiliary data to distinguish it from (a) Event data which tends to be
different for every job, and (b) Conditions data which tends to be the
same for each job in a batch of jobs. Conditions data also tends to be
relatively small per job (100s of Megabytes) where both Event data and
Auxiliary data are larger per job (Gigabytes), but unlike Event data,
Auxiliary data comes from a limited working set (10s to 100s of
Gigabytes) of shared files. Since there is some sharing of the
Auxiliary data, it appeared at first that the CernVM-Filesystem (CVMFS)
infrastructure built for distributing software to the grid would also be
the best way to distribute Auxiliary data. However, because grid jobs
tend to be started in large batches running the same code, the software
distribution use case of CVMFS has a very high cache hit ratio, so the
bandwidth requirements on the per-site http proxy caches (squids) is
quite low. As a result those proxy caches have been engineered with
relatively low bandwidth, and they are easily overwhelmed by Auxiliary
data with its relatively low cache hit ratio. A new approach was
needed. We are taking advantage of a CVMFS client feature called "alien
cache" to cache data on site-local high-bandwidth data servers that were
engineered for storing Event data. This site-shared cache replaces
caching CVMFS files on both the worker node local disks and on the
site-local squids. We have tested this alien cache with the dCache
NFSv4.1 interface, Lustre, and Hadoop-FS-fuse, and found that they all
perform well. In addition, we use high-bandwidth data servers at
central sites to perform the CVMFS Stratum 1 function instead of the
low-bandwidth web servers deployed for the CVMFS software distribution
function. We have tested this using the dCache http interface. As a
result, we have an end-to-end high-bandwidth widely distributed caching
read-only filesystem, using existing client software already widely
deployed to grid worker nodes and existing file servers already widely
installed at grid sites. Files are published in a central place and are
soon available on demand throughout the grid and cached locally on the
site with a convenient POSIX interface. This paper discusses the
details of the architecture and reports performance measurements.
Dave Dykstra
(Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))
Brian Paul Bockelman
(University of Nebraska (US))
Jakob Blomer
Ken Herner
Marko Slyz
Tanya Levshina