GridPP – preparing for Run-2 and the wider context

14 Apr 2015, 14:00
C209 (C209)



oral presentation Track6: Facilities, Infrastructure, Network Track 6 Session


Jeremy Coles (University of Cambridge (GB))


This first section of this paper elaborates upon the operational status and directions within the UK Computing for Particle Physics (GridPP) project as we approach LHC Run-2. It details the pressures that have been gradually reshaping the deployed hardware and middleware environments at GridPP sites – from the increasing adoption of larger multicore nodes to the move towards alternative batch systems and cloud alternatives - as well as changes being driven by funding considerations. The second section focuses on work being done with non-LHC communities, communities that GridPP has supported for many years with varying degrees of engagement, and lays out findings of a survey into where such communities desire more support and their changing requirements. The section also explores some of the early outcomes of adopting a generic DIRAC based job submission and management framework within GridPP. The third and final section of the paper highlights changes being made in GridPP operations in order to meet new challenges that are arising as recent technical advancements (in areas such as cloud/VM provision) reach production readiness.

Primary author

Jeremy Coles (University of Cambridge (GB))

Presentation materials