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Using S3 cloud storage with ROOT and CvmFS

14 Apr 2015, 15:00
C210 (C210)



oral presentation Track7: Clouds and virtualization Track 7 Session


Maria Arsuaga Rios (CERN)


Amazon S3 is a widely adopted protocol for scalable cloud storage that could also fulfill storage requirements of the high-energy physics community. CERN has been evaluating this option using some key HEP applications such as ROOT and the CernVM filesystem (CvmFS) with S3 back-ends. In this contribution we present our evaluation based on two versions of the Huawei UDS storage system used from a large number of clients executing HEP software applications. The performance of concurrently storing individual objects is presented alongside with more complex data access patterns as produced by the ROOT data analysis framework. We further report on the S3 integration with recent CvmFS versions and summarize the performance and pre-production experience with CvmFS/S3 for publishing daily releases of the full LHCb experiment software stack.



Presentation materials