Using the CMS Threaded Framework In A Production Environment

14 Apr 2015, 15:00
Auditorium (Auditorium)



oral presentation Track2: Offline software Track 2 Session


Dr Christopher Jones (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))


During 2014, the CMS Offline and Computing Organization completed the necessary changes to use the CMS threaded framework in the full production environment. Running reconstruction workflows using the multi-threaded framework is a crucial element of CMS' 2015 and beyond production plan. We will briefly discuss the design of the CMS Threaded Framework, in particular how the design affects scaling performance. We will then cover the effort involved in getting both the CMSSW application software and the workflow management system ready for using multiple threads for production. Finally, we will present metrics on the performance of the application and workflow system as well as the difficulties which were uncovered. We will end with CMS' plans for using the threaded framework to do production for LHC Run 2.


Dr Christopher Jones (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))

Presentation materials