Multimedia Content in the CERN Document Server

Not scheduled


1919-1 Tancha, Onna-son, Kunigami-gun Okinawa, Japan 904-0495
poster presentation Track5: Computing activities and Computing models


Nikos Kasioumis (CERN)


The talk will focus on the recent developments done by the Multimedia team of the Digital Library Services to better acquire grand-public content captured at CERN and disseminate it to the general public. In collaboration with the CERN communication unit and the Photo & Video Labs, the team has built new facilities to transfer, disseminate and archive multimedia content on the CERN Document Server Invenio-based platform. These original user-oriented features will be introduced for both the owners of multimedia material and the people willing to search for content. Explanations on how new technologies have been used behind the scene will follow, together with the details on how these developments have been carried out within the Invenio Open Source Digital Library community. The evolution of the front-end into a modern multimedia service will be explained as well as some on-going research work on automated face & object recognition, with direct image tagging functionalities. The re-architecture of the back engine to address the long-term preservation needs and the advantages of a new rich paradigm supporting images embedded into albums will be described. Finally, it will be shown the impressive peaks of use observed during major events and the recent increase in the needs for new collections. The example of the acquisition of 130'000 CERN diapos from the years 1960th and 1970th will give to all attendees the opportunity to discover not only the technical aspects of the process but also an overview of this unique content.



Charalampos Tzovanakis (National Technical Univ. of Athens (GR)) Ludmila Marian (CERN)

Presentation materials