fwk: a go-based concurrent control framework

Not scheduled


1919-1 Tancha, Onna-son, Kunigami-gun Okinawa, Japan 904-0495
poster presentation Track2: Offline software


Dr Sebastien Binet (IN2P3/LAL)


`fwk`: a go-based concurrent control framework ============================================ Current HEP control frameworks have been designed and written in the early 2000's, when multi-core architectures were not yet pervasive. As a consequence, an inherently sequential event processing design emerged. Evolving current frameworks' APIs and data models encouraging global states, non-reentrancy and non-thread-safety to a more concurrent friendly environment, in an adiabatic way, is a major undertaking, even more so when relying on the building blocks provided by `C++`. This paper reports on the development of `fwk`, a framework investigating and leveraging the built-in tools of the `Go` language to enable concurrency at the event- and sub-event-levels. The concurrency features, code distribution and tooling of `Go` will be first presented to set the scene and explain why `Go` -and its ecosystem at large- is a natural fit for a concurrent framework. The aim for such a framework is to be usable as a big HEP experiment's control framework. `fwk` is also meant to be a nimble application for analyses which require quick development/deployment cycles but without paying the price of a VM on the runtime performances side. The paper will then discuss the design decisions applied to the various components of `fwk`, introduce its current capabilities (I/O, histogramming, dataflow, ...) and highlight how the design decisions of the `Go` language adequately paved the way for `fwk`. Then, `fads`, a fast detector simulation toolkit, will be introduced. 'fads' is the port of a single-threaded fast detector simulation toolkit (`Delphes`) to `fwk`. The paper will present benchmarks (CPU, RSS, I/O, scalability) of real `Delphes` use cases against `fads`, as well as comparisons of `fads` performances with regard to other next-generation concurrent frameworks, using synthetic data. Performance tools and concurrency debugging tools provided with the `Go` toolchain and used for this comparison will also be presented. Finally, the paper will present prospects and prototypes to fill the gap in the nascent `Go`-based HEP ecosystem and landscape - namely: histograms interactive displays and interactive analysis tools.


Dr Sebastien Binet (IN2P3/LAL)

Presentation materials