Giulio Eulisse
(Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))
In recent years the size and scale of scientific computing has grown
significantly. Computing facilities have grown to the point where energy
availability and costs have become important limiting factors
for data-center size and density. At the same time, power density
limitations in processors themselves are driving interest in more
heterogeneous processor architectures. Optimizing application performance is
no longer required merely to obtain results faster, but also to stay within
the economic limits and constraints imposed by power hungry datacenters.
IgProf is an open-source, general purpose memory and performance
profiler suite. We present the improvements we have made to permit
optimizing the power efficiency of an application. This functionality
builds on direct measurements of power related quantities using
a newly developed IgProf module which exploits novel on-chip power monitoring
capabilities (such as RAPL on new Intel processors). We also explore
indirect methods which extrapolate from other measured application
characteristics and processor behaviors, using CPU performance counters
and processor power states.
We demonstrate the use of our tools both on small micro-benchmarks,
developed to better understand problems and tuning measurements, and with
complex, large-scale C++ applications, derived from millions of lines
of code.
Filip Nybäck
(Aalto University)
Giulio Eulisse
(Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))
David Abdurachmanov
(Vilnius University (LT))
Jukka Nurminen
(Aalto University)
Kashif Nizam Khan
(Helsinki Institute of Physics (FI))
Ou Zhonghong
(Aalto University)
Peter Elmer
(Princeton University (US))
Tapio Petteri Niemi
(Helsinki Institute of Physics (FI))