Aldo Mozzanica
(INFN Pavia)
The goal of the FAST (Fiber Antiproton Scintillating Tracker) detector is the
measurement of the annihilation cross section of slow antiprotons in
gaseous targets in the ASACUSA beam line at the Antiproton Decelerator
(CERN). The tracker will allow to reconstruct the charged pion tracks to
identify the annihilation vertices. The detector, designed to cover a 50 cm
long 15 cm radius cylindrical volume, consists of 2 axial and 4 stereo layers
of scintillating fibers, readout by 42 multianode PMTs (64 channels each). 1
mm BCF-10 fibers have been used, for a total of 2688 readout channels. A
custom designed electronic chain performs the signal amplification,
discrimination and the digital sampling with a 640 MHz clock over a 800 ns
gate. To test the detector performance before the commissioning on the
ASACUSA beam line a cosmic ray run with an external trigger system and a
reference silicon tracker has been done, collecting a total of 10 5 events.
This work will describe the operation of the FAST detector during the cosmic
ray tests and the results of the track reconstruction analysis in terms of
efficiency and spatial and time resolution.
Primary author
Aldo Mozzanica
(INFN Pavia)