PS/SPS User Meeting

32/1-A24 (CERN)



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Henric Wilkens (CERN)

Injectors report (Guido Sterbini)

Concerning the PS. We prepared the EAST1 (old EASTA beam) up to extraction energy. With an intensity of ~35e10 protons. Losses along the cycle are negligible. The longitudinal and transverse beam characteristics are conform to last year production. We could not commissioning the slow extraction yet since we cannot pulse the septum in 57. But we test that all the other extraction devices are pulsing as expected. Today all magnets in F61 were put off to allow the placing of the covers. As soon the beam permit will be signed we can start the beam commissioning of the extraction and the transport up to the target.

Radio Protection (Daniel Perrin)

A new radiation monitoring system has been installed in the East Hall. A lot of effort went into completing the system before the start of physics. The system is however still under commisioning, therefore a spurious alarm can't be excluded. 


IRRAD and Charm will start commissioning with beam on September 17th, after the BL4S beam time in T9.


-  AIDA will install on monday and tuesday. 

- The BL4S request to have parasitic beam time with a small setup (details in the slides) at the end of the beam line. LHC-b agreed to host them during their beam time. 

- The Geneva CMOS pixel group will run parasitically to DAMPE, LHC-b and CLICpix. The will have a small telescope developed in house. 


ALICE will have their safety visit Tuesday 2PM. They will first install ITS. Electricity was off in the area, it is now powered again. On their request the Cherenkov tube has been removed. 


The n-TOF facilty will start physics on July 24th. 


The supercycle will have the anounced lenght. We foresee up to 2 EASTA (EAST1) cycles per supercycle.


version 2.1 of the PS and SPS user schedules is out:

- Swap of ALICE users in T10 in november. 

- Adjustmenst of nTOF and IRRAD start dates. 

- ATLAS ALFA canceled their beam time, it goes to ATLAS AFP.

- in T11 the P349 project got 3 weeks of beam time after the COUD run to study the production of polarized pbar  at larger production angles. 




There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 11:00 11:10
      PS machine report 10m
      Speaker: Guido Sterbini (CERN)
    • 11:10 11:15
      Status of RP monitoring system 5m
      Speaker: Daniel Perrin (CERN)
    • 11:15 11:35
      EA users tour de table 20m
      • East Area 5m
        Speaker: Lau Gatignon (CERN)
      • Irrad & Charm 5m
        Speakers: Markus Brugger (CERN), Maurice Glaser (CERN)
      • T9 and parasitic users 5m
        Speakers: Daniel Muenstermann (Universite de Geneve (CH)), Henric Wilkens (CERN), Saime Gurbuz (Bogazici University (TR))
      • T10 5m
        Speaker: Arturo Tauro (CERN)
    • 11:35 11:40
      n-TOF 5m
      Speakers: Christina Weiss (Vienna University of Technology (AT)), Frank Gunsing (CEA/IRFU,Centre d'etude de Saclay Gif-sur-Yvette (FR)), Dr Simone Montesano (CERN)
    • 11:40 11:45
      Supercycles, Wobbling , Target Intensities 5m
    • 11:45 11:50
      Safety 5m
      Speaker: Bruno Pichler (CERN)
    • 11:50 11:55