6–26 Jul 2014
Europe/Zurich timezone

Administrative Support: Maureen Prola-Tessaur (33-R-028)


History of Scientific Ideas in Western Culture

17 Jul 2014, 20:00



History of Scientific Ideas in Western Culture

  • Goronwy Jones (School of Physics and Astronomy)

History of Scientific Ideas in Western Culture: History of Scientific Ideas in Western Culture

  • Goronwy Jones (School of Physics and Astronomy)

History of Scientific Ideas in Western Culture: History of Scientific Ideas in Western Culture

  • Goronwy Jones (School of Physics and Astronomy)

Presentation materials

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Goronwy Jones (School of Physics and Astronomy)
17/07/2014, 20:00
Goronwy Jones (School of Physics and Astronomy)
20/07/2014, 19:30
Goronwy Jones (School of Physics and Astronomy)
22/07/2014, 20:00
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