Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

Polish Teachers Programme 10/2014

from Sunday 19 October 2014 (08:00) to Saturday 25 October 2014 (17:30)
CERN (40/S2-C01)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
19 Oct 2014
20 Oct 2014
21 Oct 2014
22 Oct 2014
23 Oct 2014
24 Oct 2014
25 Oct 2014
09:00 Introduction to CERN/ Wprowadzenie do CERN - Bolek Pietrzyk (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))   (40/S2-C01 - Salle Curie)
10:00 Introduction to elementary particle physics. / Wstęp do fizyki cząstek elementarnych. - Dr Piotr Traczyk (Universita e INFN, Roma I (IT))   (40/S2-C01 - Salle Curie)
11:30 --- Lunch ---
09:00 Introduction to accelerators/Wstęp do fizyki akceleratorów - Dr Mariusz Sapinski (CERN)   (4/3-006 - TH Conference Room)
10:00 Accelerators and particle detectors around us/ Akceleratory i detektory cząstek wokół nas - Dr Sławomir Wronka (Soltan Institute for Nuclear Studies)   (4/3-006 - TH Conference Room)
11:00 Co się wydarzyło w CERN w lipcu 2012? Bozon Higgsa i Model Standardowy - co dalej? - Piotr Traczyk (Universita e INFN, Roma I (IT))   (4/3-006 - TH Conference Room)
09:00 Acccelerators and medicine/Akceleratory i medycyna - Dr Slawomir Wronka (Soltan Institute for Nuclear Studies)   (40/S2-C01 - Salle Curie)
10:00 What went on in the LHC during LS1 / Co działo się w LHC podczas LS1 - Anna Chrul (Polish Academy of Sciences (PL))   (40/S2-C01 - Salle Curie)
11:00 Q/A Accelerators - Dr Mariusz Sapinski (CERN) Slawomir Wronka Anna Chrul (Polish Academy of Sciences (PL))   (40/S2-C01 - Salle Curie)
09:00 How one can "see" elementary particles? / Jak "zobaczyc" czastki elementarne? - Dr Julia Hoffman (National Central University (TW))   (40/S2-C01 - Salle Curie)
10:00 History of the Universe in brief. / Historia Wszechswiata. - Prof. Marek Demianski (University of Warsaw)   (40/S2-C01 - Salle Curie)
11:15 Computer Security at CERN and at your home / Bezpieczenstwo komputerowe: w CERNie i w domu - Sebastian Lopienski (CERN)   (40/S2-C01 - Salle Curie)
09:00 Fizyka czarnych dziur / Physics of black holes - Prof. Marek Demianski (University of Warsaw)   (222/R-001)
10:00 How to catch neutrinos / Jak złapać neutrina - Dr Ewa Rondio (National Centre for Nuclear Research (PL))   (222/R-001)
11:00 Q/A Particle Physics, Detectors, Cosmology   (222/R-001)
09:00 Visit ATLAS Visitors Centre - Piotr Traczyk (Universita e INFN, Roma I (IT)) Dr Julia Hoffman (National Central University (TW))   ()
10:30 Depart Katowice group   (40/S2-C01 - Salle Curie)
19:00 Welcome aperitif   (501-1-201)
19:30 An informal dinner together   (40/S2-C01 - Salle Curie)
20:30 Short site tour and introduction to the programme   (40/S2-C01 - Salle Curie)
13:00 Visit Computing Center - Pawel Szostek (CERN) Katarzyna Maria Dziedziniewicz-Wojcik (CERN)   ()
13:00 Visit: AD - Arkadiusz Gorzawski (Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (CH)) Tomasz Wlostowski (CERN)   ()
14:00 Visit AD - Arkadiusz Gorzawski (Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (CH)) Piotr Traczyk (Universita e INFN, Roma I (IT))   (40/S2-C01 - Salle Curie)
14:00 Visit Computing Center - Pawel Grzywaczewski (CERN) Maciej Grzybek (Warsaw University of Technology (PL))   ()
15:00 Visit AMS/CCC - Arkadiusz Gorzawski (Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (CH)) Dr Mariusz Sapinski (CERN) Dr Andrzej Siemko (CERN)   ()
17:00 Introduction to program evaluation. Lecture Review. - Andrzej Siemko (CERN)   (Restaurant 1)
12:00 --- Lunch ---
13:45 Transport to SM18   (40/S2-C01 - Salle Curie)
14:00 Visit Magnet Test Facility SM18 - Wojciech Jozef Zak (CERN) Anna Chrul (Polish Academy of Sciences (PL)) Adrian Fiergolski (Universita e INFN (IT))   (40/S2-C01 - Salle Curie)
15:15 Hands-on Build a Cloud Chamber / Komora mgłowa – zrób to sam - Mr Konrad Jende (CERN, Education Group)   (143/R-003 - S'Cool LAB)
15:15 Visit the Microcosm. / Wizyta wystawy „Mikrokosmos”.   (Building 33 - Reception)
18:00 Lecture Review   (40/S2-C01 - Salle Curie)
12:00 --- Lunch ---
14:00 Discover Geneva Treasure Hunt   ()
19:30 Programme Dinner   (2, Place de la Navigation)
12:30 --- Lunch ---
14:00 Wycieczka edukacyjna   ()
12:00 --- Lunch ---
13:30 Transport to LHC Point5   ()
14:00 Visit the CMS Experiment - Dr Piotr Traczyk (Universita e INFN, Roma I (IT)) Dr Andrzej Siemko (CERN) Agnieszka Anna Zagozdzinska (Warsaw University of Technology (PL)) Marzena Lapka (CERN)   (P5)
17:00 Working groups : What we have learnt, what we can transfer to our students, follow-up actions   (40/S2-C01 - Salle Curie)
20:00 Treasure Hunt Prize Giving - Dr Andrzej SIEMKO (CERN AT-MTM) Mick Storr (CERN)   (40/S2-C01 - Salle Curie)