6–8 Feb 2006
Europe/Zurich timezone

Charge breeding studies at ISOLDE

7 Feb 2006, 15:05
Council Chamber, 503/1-001 (CERN)

Council Chamber, 503/1-001


CH-1211 Geneva 23


Dr Pierre Delahaye (CERN ISOLDE)


At ISOLDE, different charge breeding techniques are investigated with both an EBIS and an ECR charge breeder. The REXEBIS is an operational machine since three years, running as the central part of the beam preparation stage of the REX-ISOLDE post- accelerator. A 14 GHz Phoenix ECR charge breeder is currently being tested in one of the beam line of the General Purpose Separator (GPS). According to the application, the requirements of the charge breeding process for efficiency and rapidity, and of the charge bred beam for purity, time structure, intensity and emittance can vary significantly. This presentation will summarize the latest results of the studies undertaken with the two charge breeders, for the development of advanced charge breeding techniques in the frame of the EURONS Charge breeding JRA, and for the investigation of the 1+ -->n+ scenario in the frame of the EURISOL Design Study.


A review of the charge breeding studies at ISOLDE


Dr Fredrik Wenander (CERN ISOLDE) Dr Pierre Delahaye (CERN ISOLDE)


Dr Richard Scrivens (CERN) Mr Romain Savreux (CERN ISOLDE)

Presentation materials