Sebastian George
The mass is a fundamental property of a nuclide. Its measurement contributes to a
variety of fundamental studies including tests of the Standard Model and the weak
interaction. The limits of mass measurements of exotic nuclei have been extended
considerably by improving and developing the Penning trap mass spectrometer ISOLTRAP
at the ISOLDE facility at CERN. The mass resolving power of ISOLTRAP reaches 107 and
the uncertainty of the resulting mass values has been pushed down to 8*10-9. The
mass is determined via a time-of-flight cyclotron resonance detection technique. To
reduce the measurement uncertainty a number of improvements in ion detection and
data taking have been developed. One of these is the use of the Ramsey method, i.e.
time separated oscillating fields, for the excitation of the ions’ motion. The
advantage of this method is a reduction of the line width of the resonance. In
addition the weights of the individual frequency points of the resonance curve are
analyzed, which results in a step-size optimization. The methods as well as the
results will be presented.
Sebastian George