Magdalena Gorska
(GSI Darmstadt)
Nuclear structure studies at GSI gained recently an increased interest for the
present activities as well as for the future project FAIR. A broad range of
physical phenomena can be addressed by high-resolution in-beam γ-ray spectroscopy
measurements with radioactive beams offered within the Rare ISotopes INvestigation
at GSI (RISING) project. It combines the EUROBALL Ge-Cluster detectors, the
MINIBALL Ge detectors, HECTOR-BaF detectors, and the fragment separator FRS. The
secondary beams produced at relativistic energies are used for Coulomb excitation
or secondary fragmentation experiments to study projectile like nuclei by measuring
de-excitation photons. Alternatively, the relativistic radioactive beams are
implanted into a detector/stopper and their decay can be investigated, or slowed
down to the energies suited for the fusion or transfer reactions and a "classical"
in-beam spectroscopy.
Future ideas born from the experience with the RISING project will lead to a new
instrumentation within NUSTAR at FAIR. A number of projects consider a use of γ-ray
detectors. In particular, γ-ray spectroscopy will be a main goal of the HISPEC and
DESPEC experiments.
Magdalena Gorska
(GSI Darmstadt)