6–8 Feb 2006
Europe/Zurich timezone

Results and experiences from Coulomb excitation experiments with radioactive beams at GANIL and ideas for future experiments at ISOLDE

8 Feb 2006, 10:05
Council Chamber, 503/1-001 (CERN)

Council Chamber, 503/1-001


CH-1211 Geneva 23


Andreas Goergen (DAPNIA/SPhN, CEA Saclay)


Shape-coexisting states in neutron-deficient krypton isotopes have been studied by low-energy multi-step Coulomb excitation of radioactive 74Kr and 76Kr beams at GANIL. States up to the 8+ in the ground-state band and several non-yrast states have been populated, and their excitation probability was measured as a function of the scattering angle. A large set of both transitional and diagonal matrix elements was obtained in the analysis using the code GOSIA. The spectroscopic quadrupole moments for the first and second 2+ states have opposite signs, confirming the scenario of coexisting prolate and oblate shapes. The results from the GANIL experiments will be discussed with a special emphasis on the experimental techniques and difficulties of reorientation measurements with low-intensity radioactive beams. Ideas for future experiments to investigate shape coexistence in neutron-rich nuclei around N=60 at ISOLDE using the same techniques will be presented.


Andreas Goergen (DAPNIA/SPhN, CEA Saclay)

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