6–8 Feb 2006
Europe/Zurich timezone

Transfer reactions with light radioactive ions at REX-ISOLDE

8 Feb 2006, 15:10
Council Chamber, 503/1-001 (CERN)

Council Chamber, 503/1-001


CH-1211 Geneva 23


Henrik Jeppesen (European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN))


In the second half of 2005 the Aarhus-Gothenburg-Madrid collaboration performed two different experiments impinging 11Be and 9Li on deuterium targets to study transfer reactions to different final states. This type of transfer reactions (at 2-3 Mev/u) gives information on several systems since both elastic scattering, stripping and pick-up channels are open. I would therefore like to present the results of these two reactions, in particular concerning excited states in 8Li and 10Be, and try to outline the possibilities that REX-ISOLDE presents for light radioactive ions (A<30).


Henrik Jeppesen (European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN))

Presentation materials