6–8 Feb 2006
Europe/Zurich timezone

Nuclear Reactions with Radioactive Beams at GANIL

7 Feb 2006, 09:10
Council Chamber, 503/1-001 (CERN)

Council Chamber, 503/1-001


CH-1211 Geneva 23


Prof. Yorick Blumenfeld (IPNO)


The availability of radioactive beams at GANIL produced through both the projectile fragmentation (SISSI) and ISOL (SPIRAL) techniques have fostered the development of a broad programme of reaction studies. The subject will be illustrated with results from elastic, inelastic, transfer and fusion studies. Topics will include the influence of weakly bound neutrons on direct and compound reactions, changes of magic numbers far from stability and the search for tetra-neutron states. The future of the programme will be evoked in the light of new more powerful detection systems soon to come on-line.


Prof. Yorick Blumenfeld (IPNO)

Presentation materials