Irina Stefanescu
(IKS Leuven, KULeuven)
08/02/2006, 09:00
Levels of (6,3,4,5)- multiplet in 68,70Cu were populated by Coulomb excitation
using 6- radioactive beams delivered by REX-ISOLDE. B(E2)/B(M1) reduced transition
probabilties can be extracted and information about the single particle structure
of the multiplet can be obtained.
Karl-Heinz Speidel
(Helmholtz-Institut für Strahlen- und Kernphysik, Univ. Bonn)
08/02/2006, 09:25
In recent measurements of g factors and lifetimes of short-lived nuclear states
several radioactive nuclei have been investigated which were produced in
alpha-transfer reactions to stable projectiles at the Coulomb barrier employing the
techniques of transient magnetic fields and Doppler-Shift-Attenuation, respectively.
In particular, this method has been applied to 44Ti [1], 52Ti [2],...
T. Behrens
(Physics Department E12, TU München)
08/02/2006, 09:45
Recent studies on isotopes around the shell closure N=82 have shown that despite
decreasing excitation energies the B(E2) values of Sn and Te isotopes above
N=82 are lower than expected. The aim of our experiment was to measure B(E2) values
in neutron-rich even-even isotopes around the double magic 132Sn. In a first campaign
in 2004 we measured the gamma transitions of 122-126Cd. In 2005...
Andreas Goergen
08/02/2006, 10:05
Shape-coexisting states in neutron-deficient krypton isotopes
have been studied by low-energy multi-step Coulomb excitation
of radioactive 74Kr and 76Kr beams at GANIL. States up to the
8+ in the ground-state band and several non-yrast states have
been populated, and their excitation probability was measured
as a function of the scattering angle. A large set of both
transitional and...
Georgi Georgiev
08/02/2006, 10:25
The nuclear moments are an important ingredient of our nuclear structure
knowledge. Their contribution is crucial when one discusses the
development of the nuclear shells far from stability. However, presently
there are no techniques that can be directly applied for the studies of
short-lived isomeric states produced by ISOL beams. Some ideas about the
use of post-accelerated radioactive...