- Use the site http://viaggiacon.atac.roma.it/index.html?language=eng to "calculate your route" with public transports.
- A social dinner is organised for the evening of the 28th in a typical roman trattoria: Lo Scopettaro Lungotevere Testaccio n.7 (close to the crossing with via Marmorata. You can reach it by bus with n.23 (viale Marconi & via Ostiense) or n.170 (viale Marconi).
- Sunday 26th: 3 parallel sessions in the morning and 3 in the afternoon are hosted in H10 hotel, via Blaserna 101 / via Amedeo Avogadro, 35 (1)
- Monday 27th morning: 2 paralell sessions
- one session is hosted in viale Marconi 446, room IV (ground floor) (3)
- one session is hosted in Aula Magna, Rettorato, via Ostiense 159 (4)
- From Monday 27th afternoon onwards all sessions are plenary sessions. These and the CB and EB meetings are hosted in Aula Magna, Rettorato, via Ostiense 159 (4)
location (2) in the map corresponds to the Mathematics and Physics Department in Via della Vasca Navale 84, which will host the Software Workshop on Friday/Saturday in AULA A