Bob Holdom
(Univ. Toronto, Canada)
04/09/2008, 09:30
Saleh Sultansoy
(TOBB University of Economics and Technology)
04/09/2008, 10:00
George Hou
04/09/2008, 10:30
regina demina
(university of rochester)
04/09/2008, 13:00
Alison Lister
(UC Davis)
04/09/2008, 13:25
Erkcan Ozcan
(University College London)
04/09/2008, 13:50
We present a study for the search of 4th generation quarks at the LHC
Yuan Chao
(National Taiwan University (NTU))
04/09/2008, 14:15
Konstantin Belotsky
04/09/2008, 15:20
04/09/2008, 15:30
Serkant Ali Cetin
(Dogus Univ., Istanbul)
04/09/2008, 16:00
Tulay Cuhadar Donszelmann
(Department of Physics and Astronomy-University of Sheffield)
04/09/2008, 16:25
Francois Richard
04/09/2008, 17:10
Saleh Sultansoy
(TOBB University of Economics and Technology)
04/09/2008, 17:25
Leandro Da Rold
(Instituto de Fisica - Universidade de Sao Paulo)
05/09/2008, 09:30
I present a model with four generations of standard model fermions propagating in a five-dimensional AdS metric. I show that it is possible to break the electroweak symmetry via the condensation of the fourth generation, driven by their interactions with the Kaluza-Klein gauge bosons and by the presence of bulk higher-dimensional operators. This dynamical mechanism results in a heavy composite...
David Milstead
05/09/2008, 09:50
The search for stable heavy exotic hadrons is a promising way to observe new physics processes at collider experiments. The discovery potential for such particles can be enhanced or suppressed by their interactions with detector material. This paper describes a model for the interactions in matter of stable hadrons containing an exotic quark of charges $\pm {1/3}e$ or $\pm {2/3}e$ using Regge...
Orhan Cakir
(University of Ankara)
05/09/2008, 10:10
Considering the present limits on the masses of fourth family quarks from the Tevatron experiments, the fourth family quarks are expected to have mass larger than the top quark. Due to their expected large mass they could have different dynamics than the quarks of three families of the Standard Model. The resonant production of the fourth family t' and b' quarks are studied via anomalous...
Maxim Khlopov
05/09/2008, 10:50
Heavy stable charged particles can exist, hiding from us in bound atomlike states. Models with new stable charged leptons and quarks, giving rise to realistic composite dark matter scenarios, are reviewed.
P.Q. Hung
05/09/2008, 11:10
Electroweak scale active right-handed neutrinos can be directly produced at the LHC with characteristic signatures such as like-sign dileptons. Accompanying this is a rich Higgs structure such as doubly charged scalars which can also be probed at the LHC. The Pati-Salam extension of the model contains keV sterile neutrinos with astrophysical implications and it is suggested how a fourth family...
Norma Susana Mankoc Borstnik
(University of Ljubljana, Fac. for Math. and Phys.)
05/09/2008, 11:35
The approach unifying all the internal degrees of freedom---the spins and all the charges into only (two kinds of) the spin---is offering a new way of understanding the properties of quarks and leptons, that is their charges and their couplings to the gauge fields, the appearance of families and their mass matrices. The (simple) starting Lagrange density for spinors in d =1+13, which carry...
Mikhail Vysotsky
05/09/2008, 13:20
Fit of precision electroweak data allows the existence
of the fourth quark-lepton generation. If the latter
exists then Higgs boson might be heavy.
Heiko Lacker
(Berlin, Humboldt University)
05/09/2008, 13:45
With the LHC start ahead new interest in the existence of a possible fourth generation of quarks and leptons came up recently. We point out that in the recent literature a few useful constraints on the fourth generation CKM and PMNS matrix elements have not been fully appreciated and we discuss their correlated impact of these constraints on the quark and lepton mixing matrices.
George Wei-Shu Hou
(National Taiwan University (NTU))
05/09/2008, 14:05
Vincenzo Vagnoni
(INFN Bologna)
05/09/2008, 15:55
Juan Pablo Fernandez
05/09/2008, 16:35
Amarjit Soni
05/09/2008, 17:00