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Beyond the 3SM generation at the LHC era Workshop

40-S2-D01 (CERN)



George Hou (National Taiwan Univ., Taiwan), Gokhan Unel (U. C. Irvine), Michelangelo Mangano (CERN), Robert Holdom (Univ. Toronto, Canada), Saleh Sultansoy (TOBB Univ. Economic & Technology, Turkey), Tobias Hurth (CERN)
"Beyond the 3SM generation at the LHC era" workshop aims to review the status of the models with additional fermion families. Theory, precision data from b/c factories, astroparticle/cosmology and collider aspects will be reviewed in this 2 day workshop.
  • Abbas Kenan Ciftci
  • Albert De Roeck
  • Alison Lister
  • Amarjit Soni
  • Andrew Haas
  • Azmi Ali Altintas
  • Bob Holdom
  • David Milstead
  • Erkcan Ozcan
  • Francois RICHARD
  • George W.S. Hou
  • Gokhan Unel
  • Hatice Duran Yildiz
  • Heiko Lacker
  • Juan Antonio Aguilar-Saavedra
  • Konstantin Belotsky
  • Leandro Da Rold
  • Livio Mapelli
  • Malik Aliev
  • Marc Sher
  • Maxim Khlopov
  • Mikhail Vysotsky
  • Nicola Serra
  • Norma Susana Mankoc Borstnik
  • Orhan Cakir
  • P. Q. Hung
  • Paoti Chang
  • Ramazan Sever
  • Regina Demina
  • Rena Ciftci
  • Rong-Shyang Lu
  • Saleh Sultanov
  • Serkant Ali Cetin
  • Soumitra Nandi
  • Tulay Cuhadar Donszelmann
  • Vali Bashiry
  • Vincenzo Vagnoni
  • Yuan Chao
  • Thursday 4 September
    • Opening

      Welcome Address by Michelangelo Mangano

    • Introduction and Motivation
      • 1
        The strong case for new flavor physics
        Speaker: Prof. Bob Holdom (Univ. Toronto, Canada)
      • 2
        Why the 4SM families - 2008
        Speaker: Prof. Saleh Sultansoy (TOBB Univ. Economic & Technology, Turkey)
      • 3
        Source of CPV for Baryon Asymmetry of the universe
        Speaker: Prof. George Hou (NTU)
      • 4
        Experimental Constraints on fourth generation quark masses
        The existing bounds from CDF on the masses of the fourth generation quarks, t' and b', are reexamined. The bound of 256 GeV on the t' mass assumes that the primary decay of the t' is into q+W, which is not the case for a substantial region of parameter space. The bound of 268 GeV on the b' mass assumes that the branching ratio for b' --> b+Z is very large, which is not only not true for much of parameter space, but is {\em never} true for b' masses above 255 GeV. In addition, it is assumed that the heavy quarks decay within the silicon vertex detector, and for small mixing angles this will not be the case. The experimental bounds, including all of these effects, are found as a function of the other heavy quark mass and the mixing angle.
        Speaker: Prof. Marc Sher (WMU)
    • Discussion
    • 12:00
      Lunch Break
    • Direct searches (Tevatron & LHC)
      • 5
        b' searches at Tevatron
        Speaker: Dr regina demina (university of rochester)
      • 6
        Additional quark searches with CDF
        Speaker: Dr Alison Lister (UC Davis)
      • 7
        4th family searches with ATLAS
        We present a study for the search of 4th generation quarks at the LHC
        Speaker: Erkcan Ozcan (University College London)
      • 8
        b' searches in CMS
        Speaker: Yuan Chao (National Taiwan University (NTU))
    • Discussion
    • 15:00
      Coffee Break
    • Impact on Higgs Searches
      • 9
        Aspects of the search for stable new generation particles in LHC
        Speaker: Dr Konstantin Belotsky (MEPhI)
      • 10
        D0 Higgs searches and the 4th family
        Speaker: Andy HAAS (Columbia)
      • 11
        Fourth SM Family and Higgs at Hadron Colliders
        Speaker: Serkant Ali Cetin (Dogus Univ., Istanbul)
      • 12
        Fourth family and the silver mode of Higgs search
        Speaker: Tulay Cuhadar Donszelmann (Department of Physics and Astronomy-University of Sheffield)
    • Discussion
    • Prospects for future colliders
      • 13
        A 4th generation scenario
        Speaker: Dr Francois Richard (LAL)
      • 14
        Lepton Colliders & The fourth family
        Speaker: Saleh Sultansoy (TOBB University of Economics and Technology)
      • 15
        Production of Single Heavy Charged Leptons at a Linear Collider
        A sequential fourth generation of quarks and leptons is allowed by precision electroweak constraints if the mass splitting between the heavy quarks is between 50 and 80 GeV. Although heavy quarks can be easily detected at the LHC, it is very difficult to detect a sequential heavy charged lepton, L, due to large backgrounds. Should the L mass be above 250 GeV, it can not be pair-produced at a 500 GeV ILC. We calculate the cross section for the one-loop process e+e- -> L tau. Although the cross section is small, it may be detectable. We also consider contributions from the two Higgs doublet model and the Randall-Sundrum model, in which case the cross section can be substantially higher.
        Speaker: Prof. Marc Sher (WMU)
    • Discussion
  • Friday 5 September
    • Other LHC aspects
      • 16
        A holographic fourth generation: signals at the LHC
        I present a model with four generations of standard model fermions propagating in a five-dimensional AdS metric. I show that it is possible to break the electroweak symmetry via the condensation of the fourth generation, driven by their interactions with the Kaluza-Klein gauge bosons and by the presence of bulk higher-dimensional operators. This dynamical mechanism results in a heavy composite Higgs, which is highly localized towards the infrared boundary. The localization of the fermions in the five-dimensional bulk naturally leads to the standard model Yukawa couplings via the action of the bulk higher-dimensional operators. I show the spectrum of the model and discuss the electroweak precision constraints. I also study the production and detection of the fourth generation as well as the gluon resonances at the LHC.
        Speaker: Dr Leandro Da Rold (Instituto de Fisica - Universidade de Sao Paulo)
      • 17
        Interactions of Heavy Exotic Hadrons
        The search for stable heavy exotic hadrons is a promising way to observe new physics processes at collider experiments. The discovery potential for such particles can be enhanced or suppressed by their interactions with detector material. This paper describes a model for the interactions in matter of stable hadrons containing an exotic quark of charges $\pm {1/3}e$ or $\pm {2/3}e$ using Regge phenomenology and the Quark Gluon String Model. The influence of such interactions on searches at the LHC is also discussed.
        Speaker: Dr David Milstead (Fysikum)
      • 18
        Anomalous Resonant Production of the fourth family quarks at the LHC
        Considering the present limits on the masses of fourth family quarks from the Tevatron experiments, the fourth family quarks are expected to have mass larger than the top quark. Due to their expected large mass they could have different dynamics than the quarks of three families of the Standard Model. The resonant production of the fourth family t' and b' quarks are studied via anomalous processes gqi-->t' and gqj-->b' (where qi=u,c and qj=d,s,b) at the LHC. The signatures of such processes are discussed within the SM and anomalous decay modes. The sensitivity to anomalous coupling kappa/Lambda can be reached down to 0.01 TeV-1.
        Speaker: Orhan Cakir (University of Ankara)
    • Discussion
    • Astroparticle & Cosmology
      • 19
        Dark matter from new stable quarks and leptons
        Heavy stable charged particles can exist, hiding from us in bound atomlike states. Models with new stable charged leptons and quarks, giving rise to realistic composite dark matter scenarios, are reviewed.
        Speaker: Prof. Maxim Khlopov (MEPhI and VIA/APC/CNRS)
      • 20
        Model of Electroweak scale active right-handed neutrinos, its extension and phenomenological implications
        Electroweak scale active right-handed neutrinos can be directly produced at the LHC with characteristic signatures such as like-sign dileptons. Accompanying this is a rich Higgs structure such as doubly charged scalars which can also be probed at the LHC. The Pati-Salam extension of the model contains keV sterile neutrinos with astrophysical implications and it is suggested how a fourth family can fit snugly in this framework.
        Speaker: Prof. P.Q. Hung (Virginia)
      • 21
        On the origin of families and their mass matrices with the approach unifying  spins and charges, prediction for the fourth family and the dark matter family
        The approach unifying all the internal degrees of freedom---the spins and all the charges into only (two kinds of) the spin---is offering a new way of understanding the properties of quarks and leptons, that is their charges and their couplings to the gauge fields, the appearance of families and their mass matrices. The (simple) starting Lagrange density for spinors in d =1+13, which carry nothing but two kinds of spins-the Dirac kind and the additional one, commuting with the Dirac one (no charges) and interact with only the gravitational field through vielbeins and two kinds of spin connection fields---the gauge fields of the two kinds of the Clifford algebra objects---manifests in d=1+3 the properties of fermions and bosons as postulated by the Standard model of the electroweak and colour interactions, with the Yukawa couplings included. In this talk a way of spontaneous breaking of the starting symmetry which leads to the properties of the observed fermions is presented and rough predictions for not yet measured fermions is made, with the dark matter candidates included. The prediction is made that the fourth family will possibly be measured at LHC. The estimation is made that a cluster of the fifth family could be measured at new experiments with NaI.
        Speaker: Prof. Norma Susana Mankoc Borstnik (University of Ljubljana, Fac. for Math. and Phys.)
    • Discussion
    • 12:20
      Lunch Break
    • Precision physics I
      • 22
        Electroweak radiative corrections and extra generations
        Fit of precision electroweak data allows the existence of the fourth quark-lepton generation. If the latter exists then Higgs boson might be heavy.
        Speaker: Prof. Mikhail Vysotsky (ITEP)
      • 23
        Constraints on the quark and lepton mixing matrices from a few simple constraints within a fourth generation scenario
        With the LHC start ahead new interest in the existence of a possible fourth generation of quarks and leptons came up recently. We point out that in the recent literature a few useful constraints on the fourth generation CKM and PMNS matrix elements have not been fully appreciated and we discuss their correlated impact of these constraints on the quark and lepton mixing matrices.
        Speaker: Prof. Heiko Lacker (Berlin, Humboldt University)
      • 24
        CPV in b-->s and bsbar - sbbar transitions
        Speaker: George Wei-Shu Hou (National Taiwan University (NTU))
    • Discussion
    • 14:45
      Coffee Break
    • Precision physics II
      • 25
        Babar Results
        Speaker: Dr Maurizio Pierini (CERN)
      • 26
        New Physics Search at B Factory
        Speaker: Dr Paoti Chang (NTU)
      • 27
        LHCb : tree and tree+penguin decays: Bs->Jpsi phi, and B->hh, 3h
        Speaker: Dr Vincenzo Vagnoni (INFN Bologna)
      • 28
        LHCb: penguin decays: Bs-> phi phi, phi gamma, phi mu mu and Bd-> K* mu mu
        Rare loop induced decays of neutral B mesons are sensitive probe of NP. The reconstruction of the decays Bs -> phi phi, phi gamma, phi mu mu, Bd -> K* gamma and K* mu mu at the LHCb experiment will be discussed. The measurement of some observables sensitive to lepton generations beyond the SM, such as the CPV in the radiative penguins, the forward-backward asymmetry in the Bd->K* mumu and the CPV in the decays Bs->phi phi, Bs->phi mumu will also be presented.
        Speaker: Nicola Serra (NIKHEF)
      • 29
        sin 2 beta_s status from CDF
        Speaker: Dr Juan Pablo Fernandez (CDF)
        more information
      • 30
        The fourth family: a natural explanation for the observed pattern of anomalies in B-CP asymmetries
        Speaker: Dr Amarjit Soni (BNL)
    • Discussion
    • Closing Remarks
      • 31
        WS summary & further discussions
        Speaker: Dr Gokhan Unel (U.C. Irvine)