Maxim Khlopov
05/09/2008, 10:50
Heavy stable charged particles can exist, hiding from us in bound atomlike states. Models with new stable charged leptons and quarks, giving rise to realistic composite dark matter scenarios, are reviewed.
P.Q. Hung
05/09/2008, 11:10
Electroweak scale active right-handed neutrinos can be directly produced at the LHC with characteristic signatures such as like-sign dileptons. Accompanying this is a rich Higgs structure such as doubly charged scalars which can also be probed at the LHC. The Pati-Salam extension of the model contains keV sterile neutrinos with astrophysical implications and it is suggested how a fourth family...
Norma Susana Mankoc Borstnik
(University of Ljubljana, Fac. for Math. and Phys.)
05/09/2008, 11:35
The approach unifying all the internal degrees of freedom---the spins and all the charges into only (two kinds of) the spin---is offering a new way of understanding the properties of quarks and leptons, that is their charges and their couplings to the gauge fields, the appearance of families and their mass matrices. The (simple) starting Lagrange density for spinors in d =1+13, which carry...