13–18 Dec 2015
International Conference Centre Geneva
Europe/Zurich timezone

Quasi-scale invariant inflationary attractors

16 Dec 2015, 17:35
Level 2, Room 14 (International Conference Centre Geneva)

Level 2, Room 14

International Conference Centre Geneva

17 Rue de Varembé, 1211 Geneva


Massimiliano Rinaldi (University of Trento)


Recently Kallosh, Linde, and collaborators have provided a unified description of single-field inflation in terms of just one parameter α. These so-called α-attractors predict a spectral index n_s and a tensor-to-scalar ratio r, which are fully compatible with the latest Planck data. The only common feature of all α-attractors is a non-canonical kinetic term with a pole, and a potential analytic around the pole. Starting from the same Einstein frame with a non-canonical scalar kinetic energy, we explore the case of non-analytic potentials and find that they all correspond to quasi-scale invariant gravitational models in the Jordan frame, characterised by a universal relation between r and ns that fits the observational data but is clearly distinct from the one of the α- attractors. Since the breaking of the exact classical scale-invariance in the Jordan frame can be attributed to one-loop corrections, we desume that non-analytic potentials in the non-canonical Einstein frame are physically equivalent to an entire class of models in the Jordan frame, with scale-invariance softly broken by one-loop quantum corrections.
Collaboration L. Vanzo; S. Zerbini; G. Cognola; G. Venturi

Primary author

Massimiliano Rinaldi (University of Trento)

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