13–18 Dec 2015
International Conference Centre Geneva
Europe/Zurich timezone

Numerical Models For Superfluid Neutron Stars With Realistic Equation Of State And Application To Pulsar Glitches

15 Dec 2015, 14:00
Level 0, Room 23 (International Conference Centre Geneva)

Level 0, Room 23

International Conference Centre Geneva


Aurélien Sourie (LUTH - Observatoire de Paris)


We present a realistic numerical model for rotating superfluid neutron stars in a full general relativistic framework. Following the work initiated by Prix, Novak & Comer [1], we compute stationary axisymmetric configurations of neutron stars composed of two fluids, namely superfluid neutrons and charged particles (protons and electrons), which are free to rotate around a common axis with different rigid rotation rates. This system is described by a realistic equation of state derived from a relativistic mean field theory using DDH parametrization including (or not) delta mesons. Then, we apply this model to investigate pulsar glitches in a very simple way. From a series of equilibrium states of a neutron star, assuming total baryon mass and total angular momentum to be constant, we compute the evolution in time of the properties of the star during a glitch. To do so, we model a glitch as a transfer of angular momentum from one fluid to the other, through the action of mutual friction force [2]. This enables us to infer characteristic features relative to glitches, such as rise timescales, which could be compared to future accurate observations. [1] Prix, R., Novak, J. & Comer, G. L., Relativistic numerical models for stationary superfluid neutron stars, Phys. Rev. D 71, 2005 [2] Langlois, D., Sedrakian, D. M. & Carter, B., Differential rotation of relativistic superfluid in neutron stars, MNRAS 297, 1998
Collaboration Sourie, Aurélien; Oertel, Micaela; Novak, Jérôme

Primary author

Aurélien Sourie (LUTH - Observatoire de Paris)

Presentation materials