- Adrian Dumitru (Baruch College (City University of New York))
Giovanni Antonio Chirilli
(Ohio State University)
05/12/2014, 14:20
Scattering amplitudes of proton-Nucleus or Nucleus-Nucleus collisions at high-energy are described by matrix elements of Wilson line operators - in finite gauge factors ordered along the straight lines of the fast moving particles. The energy dependence of such amplitudes is obtained by the evolution equation of Wilson lines with respect to the rapidity parameter - the Balitsky-JIMWLK...
Tolga Altinoluk
(Universidade de Santiago de Compostela)
05/12/2014, 14:40
We present a derivation, within the wave function approach at next-to-leading accuracy, of single-inclusive hadron production in pA collisions considering a dilute projectile composed of collinear partons on a dense target - the hybrid formalism. The separation of collinear divergencies, absorbed into the DGLAP evolution of parton densities and fragmentation functions, and soft divergencies is...
Soeren Schlichting
(Brookhaven National Lab)
05/12/2014, 15:00
We present an event-by-event study of the spatial structure of the fluctuating gluon fields inside a proton as well as their x-dependence using the JIMWLK renormalization group equation. We discuss how event-by-event fluctuations of the protons internal structure can generate the observed azimuthal anisotropies in p+A collisions and how these fluctuations can be constrained from e+p/A experiments.
Stanislaw Mrowczynski
(Jan Kochanowski University)
05/12/2014, 15:20
The momentum distribution of quark-gluon plasma at the early stage of relativistic heavy-ion collisions is anisotropic and consequently, the system is unstable due chromomagnetic plasma modes. We consider a high-energy parton, which flies across such an unstable plasma, showing that the parton typically loses its energy but the energy can be also gained depending on initial conditions. The...
Alina Czajka
(Jan Kochanowski University)
05/12/2014, 16:00
"The quark-gluon plasma at the early stage of relativistic heavy-ion collisions is out of equilibrium. The Keldysh-Schwinger formalism provides a natural framework to describe such a plasma, in particular when the plasma is weakly coupled and perturbative methods are applicable. However, a perturbative computation of various QCD characteristics requires Faddeev-Popov ghosts to cancel ...
Guy Paic
(Universidad Nacional Autonoma (MX))
05/12/2014, 16:20
In the recent years advances have been made in the use of event structure selection to the study of pp collisions. The recent results obtained by applying event structure events generated by Pythia will be discussed