- Guilherme Teixeira De Almeida Milhano (Instituto Superior Tecnico (PT))
Carlos Merino
(University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain))
05/12/2014, 17:10
We consider the experimental ratios of multistrange to strange antibaryon production as a function of centrality. The predictions of the well-stablished Quark-Gluon String Model fail to describe the experimental data on overline(Xi)+/overline(Lambda) and, especially, \overline(Omega)+/\overline(Lambda), for the case of heavy-ion collisions at high centralities. This significant disagreement...
Fister Leonard
(IPhT, CEA Saclay)
05/12/2014, 17:30
We study non-perturbative gluon spectral functions at finite temperature in quenched QCD with the maximum entropy method. We also provide a closed loop equation for the spectral function of the energy-momentum tensor in terms of the gluon spectral function. This setup is then used to compute the shear viscosity over entropy density ratio eta/s in a temperature range from about 0.4 Tc to 4.5...
Rainer Fries
(Texas A&M University)
05/12/2014, 17:50
We discuss the energy momentum tensor of the gluon field created in high energy collisions of nuclei at early times. We show how early radial and directed flow are created as a consequence of the non-abelian Gauss, Ampere and Faraday Laws. We find that even in a boost-invariant setup the global structure of the event is non-trivial and exhibits angular momentum. We conclude with a discussion...
maximilian attems
(University of Barcelona)
05/12/2014, 18:10
"We numerically solve the collision of shock-waves in a holographic model with a non-trivial scalar field. We adjust the scalar field potential such that the bulk space-time coincides with AdS in the
infrared and in the ultraviolet with different AdS radius. This introduces a non-trivial running of the dual gauge theory coupling
constant which we choose at our convenience. We study the...
Heikki Mäntysaari
(University of Jyväskylä)
05/12/2014, 18:30
"The Color Glass Condensate (CGC) effective field theory provides a consistent framework to describe high energy hadronic interactions where a small-x part of the hadron wave function is probed. In recent years it has been succesfully applied to phenomenology at leading order accuracy, see e.g. Ref. [1].
However the next to leading order corrections are potentially large, and thus an...
Xiaoming Zhang
(Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (US))
05/12/2014, 18:50
"The $p_{\rm T}$ dependence of the baryon/meson yield ratio in hadronic and nuclear collisions is sensitive to the collective expansion of the system, partonic recombination into hadrons, jet fragmentation and hadronization. This ratio for inclusive yields in the region $2 < p_{\rm T} < 6$~GeV/$c$ is significantly enhanced in large systems (Pb--Pb, p--Pb) relative to that in proton--proton...