8–14 Mar 2015
Tatranska Lomnica, Slovakia
Europe/Bratislava timezone

A short review of some double-parton scattering processes

13 Mar 2015, 09:30
Tatranska Lomnica, Slovakia

Tatranska Lomnica, Slovakia



Antoni Szczurek (Institute of Nuclear Physics)


We review double parton scattering (DPS) effects in three selected reactions: production of $c \bar c \bar c$, production of jets with large rapidity distance and $W^+ W^-$ production. We present QCD leading-order predictions for energy dependence of $c \bar c \bar c$ production. The DPS cross section for $c \bar c c \bar c$ grows faster than that for $c \bar c$ production. This is generalized to include higher-order corrections within $k_t$-factorization approach with unintegrated gluon distributions. Hadronization of $c$-quarks to $D$-mesons is taken into account in the fragmentation function formalism. Several differential distributions for two $D$ mesons, both containing $c$ quark or both containing $\bar c$ antiquark, are presented and compared to the LHCb collaboration data. The results of double-parton scattering are compared with those of single-parton scattering. We discuss also mutiple $c \bar c$ production in the impact parameter space. We discuss contribution of double-parton scattering to production of jets with large rapidity distance. We compare contribution of DPS with those from the BFKL Mueller-Navelet jests and with results of the $k_t$-factorization. We discuss how the DPS effect could be verified when studing four-jet sample. Finally we discuss DPS production of two vector gauge bosons. We show results and discuss how the DPS contribution could be identified when looking at leptons from the decay of the gauge bosons.


Antoni Szczurek (Institute of Nuclear Physics)

Presentation materials