Friday Morning
Pawel Moskal
(Jagiellonian University)
13/03/2015, 09:00
The talk will be divided into two parts.
We will discuss
(i) the search for the new kind of nuclear matter in the form of the mesic-nuclei,
(ii) the discovery of the di-baryon state with the WASA detector at COSY
Antoni Szczurek
(Institute of Nuclear Physics)
13/03/2015, 09:30
We review double parton scattering (DPS) effects in three selected reactions:
production of $c \bar c \bar c$, production of jets with large rapidity distance
and $W^+ W^-$ production.
We present QCD leading-order predictions for
energy dependence of $c \bar c \bar c$ production.
The DPS cross section for $c \bar c c \bar c$ grows faster
than that for $c \bar c$ production.
This is...
Markus Huber
(JLU Giessen)
13/03/2015, 11:00
Green functions are useful quantities whose applications in quantum chromodynamics range from bound state calculations to investigations of the phase diagram. Obtaining them from functional equations faces the challenge of devising a proper truncation scheme. I will report on recent progress to determine the correlation functions of pure QCD in the vacuum and at non-zero temperature from...