Tuesday Afternoon
Stanislav Dubnicka
(Institute of Physics, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovak Republic)
10/03/2015, 16:30
In the recently elaborated fully solvable mathematical problem to be concerned of a finding of an explicit form of the
pion scalar form factor the inaccurate experimental information in the elastic region
on the S-wave isoscalar $\pi\pi$ phase shift, is replaced by the data with theoretical errors to be generated by the
Garcia-Martin-Kaminski-Pela'ez-Yndurain Roy-like equations and as a...
Petr Bydzovsky
(Nuclear Physics Institute AS CR)
10/03/2015, 17:00
We constructed the multichannel $\pi\pi$ amplitudes in the S- and
P-waves which satisfactorily describe the $\pi\pi$ scattering data [1].
In the construction we have utilized the uniformizing variable and
formulas for analytical continuation of the S-matrix elements to all
sheets of the Riemann surface but we did not fully include the constraint
on the crossing symmetry which is...
Myroslav Kavatsyuk
(KVI-CART, University of Groningen)
10/03/2015, 18:00
Despite the successes of the Standard Model, the QCD-based nature of the strong interaction is insufficiently understood. Charmonium spectroscopy is an ideal tool to provide insight into the non-perturbative dynamics of the strong force. It provides rigorous guidelines to various theoretical approaches, thereby, gaining insight into quark confinement and the formation of hadronic matter. The...
Vladimir Sauli
(Nuclear Institute Rez near Prague)
10/03/2015, 18:30
Solution of Schwinger-Dyson and Bethe-Salpeter Equations for excited and
ground state pions will be presented. The quark gap equation has been solved directly
in our Minkowski space-time and the solution, according to confinement, does not allow a free quark propagation. The Minkowski space solution for confining QCD
as will be shown, is not only numerically accessible, but also