Wednesday Morning
Thomas Cohen
(University of Maryland)
11/03/2015, 09:00
This talk reviews some recent progress in making sense of confinement. The focus of the talk is on cousins of QCD, rather than QCD itself; these cousin theories have features lacking in QCD which facilitate the analysis. One critical feature of this sort is center symmetry, and the core of the talk is an exploration of the connection of center symmetry to confinement. One principal way to...
Arthur Dromard
(Goethe University)
11/03/2015, 09:30
Lattice QCD simulations tend to become stuck in a single topological
sector at fine lattice spacing, or when using chirally symmetric
overlap quarks. In such cases computed observables differ from their
full QCD counterparts by finite volume corrections, which need to be
understood on a quantitative level. We discuss extensions of existing
relations from the literature between correlation...
Michal Praszalowicz
(Jagellonian University, Krakow)
11/03/2015, 10:30
Saturation of gluon distribution is a consequence of
non-linear evolution equations of QCD. Saturation implies
the existence of so called saturation momentum which is
gluon density per unit rapidity per transverse area. At
large energies for certain kinematical domains saturation
momentum is the only scale for physical processes. As
a consequence different observables exhibit so called...
Benjamin Jäger
(Swansea University)
11/03/2015, 11:00
Simulations with a finite chemical potential typically lead to a severe sign problem, prohibiting any standard Monte Carlo approach. For simulations of QCD we use the complex Langevin method, for which we apply adaptive step-sizes and gauge cooling to ensure the convergence. We present preliminary results for heavy quark QCD and explore the application for two dynamical quarks.